spa. RESO MLS Database

spa. RESO MLS Database

The new spa. RESO database is NOT a new MLS Vendor, but rather a required updated database designed to ensure RESO compliance for the benefit of our members and the integrity of the data, listing information, and searchable database on your Space Coast MLS.

While this isn't a true database conversion, you will notice changes in the system. The database name changes from spc. to spa., field name changes to be compliant with the RESO data dictionary, some items have been moved around, and saved searches will need to be recreated in the new spa. system.

RESO compliancy ensures that all parties (the MLS system, technology products and vendors that we use and that you, our members use, syndicated sites, and IDX) are all using the same language and terminology. This transports data faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. 

RESO compliance and alignment is happening within MLSs across the country within the next few years, your MLS is at the forefront of adopting the required changes. 

NEW spa. RESO MLS Database Timeline 

New database name (identifier) spa. 

December 5, 2023: New database will be available (spa.) NO new listings or changes to the new database.

December 5 – 18, 2023: Agents explore the new database. Get in there, move around, see the new fields, the new listing inputs, etc.

December 14, 2023: ADD/EDIT/CHANGE any listing data by the end of the business day!

December 15 - December 18, 2023: BOTH DATABASES WILL BE READ/PREVIEW ONLY! You will not be able to add/edit/or change listing data during this time period. 

December 18, 2023: GO LIVE. The new database goes LIVE with listing entry/input and data changes allowed.

December 18, 2023 -  February 6, 2024: Legacy MLS Database (spc.) will still be available to VIEW. NO listing entry/input or data changes allowed.

February 8, 2024: Legacy MLS Database turned off. (spc.)

March 25, 2024: Data will be displayed in the database for the following Associations: RealMLS (North East Jacksonville), St. Augustine & St. Johns County Board of REALTORS® & MLS, Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®, and Space Coast Association of REALTORS®.

What will convert from the spc. database to the spa. database?

  • Closing cost estimates 
  • Custom email templates 
  • Custom dashboards -  most of the dashboard gadgets will convert over, however, the stats gadgets could be problematic because of the configuration tied specifically to the MLS's setup embedded within them. If this doesn't convert cleanly, Flex will revert these to some generic configuration so at least it's there and can be modified by the users under their new accounts.
  • Contacts
  • Saved searches - will be converted as successfully as possible. 
  • Subscriptions - these will convert for all of the saved searches that successfully convert. 
  • Opt In - Flex will carry over the contact's previous opt in so nothing should be required to be sent. 
  • Portals - We'll plan to leave "JoeRealtorPortal" for the SPC user, make "SPAJoeRealtorPortal" for the SPA user and then swap the portal URL slugs at go live
  • Saved CMAs - FBS will convert as a non-editable static (PDF) version. 
  • CMAs - will convert over the last 3 years worth.

What will not convert to the spa. database?

  • Custom Map Overlays - While we are converting the MLS level map overlays, we are not converting custom map overlays. 
  • General Preferences - While custom selections by individual users will not convert, FBS will set the MLS General Preferences (some of which inherit to membership) 

How do we access the spa. database? 

You will access the spa. database through your member portal. 

The FLEXMLS button that you see today will stay the SAME and will remain the ACTIVE and LIVE MLS database.

Frequently asked questions

Q: When will the Data conversion take place? 

A: Members will have parallel access beginning December 5, during which time they can access the new Data Share version while still having access to the legacy version.

The full conversion will take place on December 18, after this date listing entry and data changes will no longer be allowed in the legacy database. The legacy database will remain available until January 31, 2024, but will contain latent data as it will not be updated.

Q: What is the RESO Data Dictionary and why are we using this?

A: The RESO (Real Estate Standards Organization) Data Dictionary is the real estate industry’s universal language for data. RESOs mission is to create and promote the adoption and utilization of standards that drive efficiency throughout the real estate industry.

Using the RESO Standard to align the fields of all MLSs in the Data Share will ensure the most accurate search functionality across the data share allowing users to conveniently search all participating MLSs data at the same time.

Q: How will the conversion affect existing listings?

A: FBS has a data team that will map original data fields to their new RESO standardized data fields where it is applicable. If the original data field has been removed and there is no conversion option, then the field will be added to the listings' public remarks.

Q: What is the difference between a Field name and a Detail?

A: The Field Name is the header, such as Status, Appliances, and Parking Features. A Detail is a specific item such as Dryer, Washer, Addition Parking, etc. Changes will be made to both Field Names and Detail options.

Q: Will my incomplete listings also be converted?

A: Incomplete listings will not be converted. Please submit all incomplete listings to either Active or Coming Soon status before the full conversion on December 18.

If your listing is not ready to add before that time, we encourage you to print out the input form of your legacy incomplete listing. You will be able to use the conversion tool to re-enter your listing into the new MLS Data Share system.

Q: I am adding a listing but I’m not sure where to find the new name for an original field I was using.

A: We have created a tool for your convenience. Access this tool here. Use this tool to type the original field name and see if the field was affected. You will be able to lookup what a field has been converted to and where to find it on the new input sheet.

Q: How can I see what has been converted?

A: We have detailed conversion sheets available for your convenience! You may access the conversion sheets here to find a breakdown of what was converted, new field names, and what has remained unchanged.

We also provide a conversion search tool HERE. Use this tool to search the original field name and determine if they field was affected. The tool allows you to search what a field has been converted to and where to find it on the new input sheet.

Q: Will my saved searches be impacted?

A: Saved searches will be impacted and will require you to make certain changes to your search parameters. Beginning December 4 during the parallel access period, please review their saved searches for fields that will not be converted. Remember, some details will now be under different field names which will cause a break in searches using “and/or/not” search functions.

Q: How can I prepare to manage my saved searches and subscriptions before I have access to the data conversions?

A: We recommend cleaning out any outdated subscription email and/or saved searches. Removing unused searches and subscriptions from your profile system will help in reviewing these items after the conversion.

Q: What is the difference between Expire, Cancel, and Withdrawn?
A: CANCELED means that the listing contract has been terminated prior to the Expiration Date.

EXPIRED means that the listing contract has reached its termination date and there is no longer a contract between the seller and listing agent.

WITHDRAWN means the listing has been temporarily withdrawn from the market, but a contract still exists between the seller and the listing agent.

Q: Does my login change?
A: Your login number stays the same. It should be your license number, in the past it was spc. and your license number.

If you try to log in directly to or the flex mobile pro app you will now use the identifier spa. And your license number you will no longer use spc. as that will be the legacy database.

When you access the member dashboard through you only need to use your login number you do not need to use the identifier, spa or spc.