Space Coast Association of REALTORS® Membership Types

Primary REALTOR Member
You may join the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® as a Primary REALTOR if you are a licensed real estate agent in the state of Florida and associated with a Designated Broker who is a member of the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® and you meet these qualifications:

Individuals who are engaged actively in the real estate profession, including buying, selling, exchanging, renting or leasing, managing, appraising for others for compensation, counseling, building, developing, or subdividing real estate, and who maintain or are associated with an established real estate office in the State of Florida or a state contiguous thereto.

An individual is a primary Member of the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® and pays the state and National dues based on such Member.

One of the principals in a real estate firm must be a Designated REALTOR Member of the Association in order for licensees affiliated with the firm to select the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® as their primary Association.

Secondary REALTOR Members
You may join the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® as a Secondary REALTOR if you are a licensed real estate agent in the state of Florida and associated with a Designated Broker who is a member of a local association of REALTORS in Florida. You must be a member in good standing with another association of REALTORS in the state of Florida.

An individual is a secondary Member if state and National dues are remitted through another Board/Association. NOTE: Secondary Members cannot access Space Coast MLS services unless their Broker is an MLS Participant in the Space Coast MLS.

Designated REALTOR Members
You may join the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® if you are a licensed real estate Broker in the state of Florida and are designated in writing to be the Designated Broker of your company.

Each firm (or office in the case of firms with multiple office locations) shall designate in writing one REALTOR Member who shall be responsible for all duties and obligations of Membership including the obligation to arbitrate pursuant to Article 17 of the Code of Ethics and the payment of Association dues as established in the Bylaws. The Designated REALTOR must be a sole proprietor, partner, corporate officer, or branch office manager acting on behalf of the firms principal(s) and must meet all other qualifications for REALTOR Membership established in the Bylaws.

MLS Only Participants
You may join the Space Coast Multiple Listing Service if you are a licensed real estate Broker in the state of Florida, and are the Designated Broker for your company, and hold Primary Realtor membership with another Realtor Association.

MLS Only Subscribers
You may subscribe to the Space Coast Multiple Listing Service if you are associated with a Designated Broker whose brokerage company is a participant in the Space Coast MLS, and you hold Primary Realtor membership with another Realtor Association. Individual agents may not subscribe without being licensed with a Broker who is an MLS Participant. 

Business Partner Members
You may join the Space Coast Association of REALTORS® as a Business Partner (Affiliate Member) if you meet these qualifications:

Business Partners (Affiliate Members) shall be owners and other individuals of firms who, while not engaged in the real estate profession as defined in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Section, have interests requiring information concerning real estate, and are in sympathy with the objectives of the Association. Business Partner Members may not be granted the right to use the term REALTOR® or the REALTOR® logo; to vote or hold elective office in the Association; or to be a Participant in the Association’s Multiple Listing Service.

An applicant for Business Partner Membership shall complete the membership application and certify that they are not engaged in the Real Estate profession as defined in the Bylaws.